Saturday, 26 January 2008

Size 9: 42 or 43?

I got told recently that Faith, Shellys and other UK high-street stores have now started doing size 9s. Imagine my unbridled joy (and my bank manager's grimace) at thinking I might be able to find shoes in my size on the high street!

But no. All they seem to have done is rebranded size 42 shoes (an 8 up till now) as size 9s. The shoes are still size 8s, and don't fit. So damn frustrating.

Another frustration is that Barratts have done something weird with their Tall & Small selection by saying that all their styles now come in size 9 as standard, and the Tall & Small starts at size 10. So I tried some 9s on there (or 42s? Who knows) and they were too small. Tried the 10s, and they were so big I couldn't keep them on my feet.

Back to the drawing board then, eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went to Faith today to try on a pair of shoes. I did my homework, checked they made them in a 9 online and went in the store. I tried them on and unfortunately though they are a size 9 they are not in width - which is why i need 9s. you foot gets all smooshed up in the bottom - if you can get it that far in the shoe!
Barratts have also gone a little narrower which is very frustrating.